The foundation and growth of community and spirit at Santosha at Hillholm Estate relies on practitioners of seva (Sanskrit for “selfless service”). Whether you find us through WWOOF, YogaTrade, or any other platform, we welcome you to join us. We provide full room and board for you (dogs welcome, too!) in exchange for your volunteer contributions here. Work is varied—agricultural work as we build out our kitchen gardens and revive our historic flower gardens; building and repair projects; kitchen work and service; administrative tasks—you name it. You can expect to work six hours each day with two days off each week. You’re welcome to join any of the yoga and mindfulness classes we offer as well as our nightly dharma talks. In your time off, get ready to romp in Maine’s playground.
We require a minimum one-month commitment to sync you up with our way of life here. All applicants must provide references, pass a criminal background check, and be non-smokers.
If that sounds like a good fit for you, reach out.